Artist, animator on occasion

Joined on 6/13/24

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New User

Posted by ink2echo - June 13th, 2024

I'm a new user, but have been drawing for awhile. I've used Twitter and Instagram primarily, however twitter artists are insufferable half of the time, and instagram is dog water to post. I thought I would try this platform out to find new creators. Hope to upload soon



Welcome to Newgrounds! I've been seeing a lot of wonderful artists coming here from Instagram and deviant art. It seems like every other platform is up in flames. lucking Newgrounds is pretty unchanged tho. Are those other platforms really so bad? What's going on over on that side of the internet?

Honestly I’m just sick of Twitter artist attitude. They argue so much over so much dumb stuff, complain and beg for money constantly when I just wanna see and talk to cool people! I feel like it’s a negative mentality on there that has affected me a lot, and with the constant changes to the platform it’s becoming unusable for me personally. Instagram is also really difficult to gain any sort of traction due to these massive platforms now relying on bot algorithms and trends, so essentially you can get 5 seconds of fame and then never again lol. I miss a site where people post their pure creativity, not driven by trends and only wanting likes if that makes sense. Sorry for the rant xD

@ink2echo I heard stories of what people on twitter are like. It would honestly drive me insane. But luckily with Newgrounds the regulars are pretty chill and it's barely algorithmically driven. I think you'll like it here, though it can be pretty slow to start. Especially for an artist, now that so many people are immigrating over. But newgrounds is far more rewarding than any other platform I've been on :)

Thank you!! I’m excited to upload more here, there’s a lot of great artists! Happy to meet more people